Hey Youtube! Here is a video from the Discreet Prepper “Tips & Tricks” department.

One of the most important things you need in your go bag is a way to filter water. I have created an easy to build water filtration system that can filter gallons of water easily. This system can be taken apart, stacked inside each other and can be filled with other essential gear (fire strykers, poncho, emergency blanket, knife, etc.) . It is light, multi-purpose and extremely necessary for life support.

Help Me To Help You – I make videos to help people out. I’m still learning and I am not perfect. Before you thumbs down a video or leave a reply that simply says something like “This is dumb”, please give me a little more detail as to why you did not like it so it can help me make better videos. Sound good?

Decency Rule – Let’s keep the comments area cordial and safe for other families. I was always taught, “If you don’t have something nice to say, keep it to yourself.” I don’t want to be a “Comment Snob”, but if you have any thoughts (positive or negative) or ideas, please let me know… Just keep it friendly, ok? I’ve seen some of the most insulting and vulgar comments on harmless videos. If you hate the video, simply move on and forget it ever happened.

Email Address – bcreamer@discreetprepper.com.

Web Site – Check out my new website, www.discreetprepper.com, for new products, survival gear reviews, tips and ideas.

God bless!